Piss And Prose

kink explorer and porn story author deluxe

Ask me anything!

Posted by on Aug 13, 2016

134658930396 - 01 - decoseekerHey luvvies, I’ll be doing an AMA on Reddit this weekend, starting NOW! So if you ever wanted to ask me anything about anything, this is your chance!

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  1. Anonymous" data-height="60" data-width="60" data-char-count="1" class="pp-dynamic-avatar"/>

    Including pictures?

  2. Anonymous" data-height="60" data-width="60" data-char-count="1" class="pp-dynamic-avatar"/>

    I have a gf that likes creampies. I don’t mind licking it up but she also likes long slow fucks. I dig it. But would I be wrong to ask if she had a friend?

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