Piss And Prose

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The President’s Penis

Posted by on Jul 31, 2016

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A historical series about an unusual lesbian couple and their paranormal cases

During the worst inflation of the Weimar Republic, Eliza Spur runs across a mysterious ad, which puts her into the service of the excentric and strange Kathleen Schütz, herself an author of lesbian erotica. During her first day at work, she already makes the acquaintance of Kathleen’s willing and eager prostitutes and her even hotter, dirty stories.

Overwhelmed by the strange and fascinating world she has entered into, Eliza still feels there is something deeper and darker below Kathleen’s business. An unannounced gentleman’s visit in the Brothel room of the erotic author finally bestowes an unexpected, delicate mission on Kathleen and her assistant, which implicates them in the highest political circles.

Their job brings them to America, and while the two women become closer on their trip, they face a difficult decision at its end, which the success of their mission and the fate of the nation both depend upon. But can their love bear it?

This book is the collected edition of all five parts of the first case of Archer’s Lane. It’s a lesbian romance with strong erotic scenes.

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  1. Free erotic ebook. | Piss And Prose - […] I thought everyone might need something with a happy ending. And a few months ago, I wrote an erotic…

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