Piss And Prose

kink explorer and porn story author deluxe


Posted by on Mar 12, 2016

1800s_65.bushI hate writing blurbs. Hate, hate, hate writing them.

You’re done with the story, you’ve come up with a title, you’ve used all your photoshop wizardry to make the cover, and then… THEN you need to come up with another story… ABOUT THE STORY YOU JUST WROTE! And not just that, it needs to be at the same time SHORTER and JUST AS SEXY as the original one, in order to make people curious about the book. And THEN, because that’s not HARD ENOUGH ALREADY, it can’t be too explicit, can’t contain certain keywords, or a certain amount of keywords, because otherwise the major vendors won’t accept it.

And AFTER you’re done, you need to do the formatting SEPARATELY, because some vendors support HTML, some don’t, some even have their own formatting that’s, of course, incompatible with others. And when you’re done and finished and have just sent it off… THEN you’ll think of a great line that would’ve made the whole thing THAT MUCH SEXIER!

I wish someone could do this for me, but I’ll either have to pay out of the ass for that (because that person would need to have read the whole story to begin with) or it’ll suck just as bad. So I’m stuck doing this on my own. Doesn’t mean I can’t gripe about it, though.

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